ETIN-Bulletin [2022-January]

ETIN | Delhaven Community Center’s Bulletin without all the “Bull”

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Welcome to 2020….
This year is looking already to be huge for Delhaven!  We have already begun a new working partnership with the City of La Puente which has enabled our Day Care participants to expand their Car Detailing business to include the City vehicles and expand their Yard Crew service to now include the La Puente, Nature Park.  Our Regional Center grant that we received is only about a month away from now from officially starting which is a new program designed to have our day cay care participants in a new community-based program.  We are working with the HLPUSD to create programming that will more than double in size of our current After School Educational/Recreational services for children.   We will be holding our 1st Annual Delhaven Corn Hole Tournament this summer which we hope to develop into an annual event/fundraiser.  A new program called Because We Care that is designed to assist those struggling with or have family or loved ones struggling with emotional issues such as depression, anxieties, and borderline disorder, which we have been working on for the past year will officially kick off this April.  Finally, we will be starting two other new programs, one designed for young adults, and another which is a monthly Pay it Forward program!   Delhaven has always throughout our history been at the forefront of programming in our local community, and this new year will continue that tradition of “Building Better Tomorrows”!

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