ASES Programs | News

After spending the 2020-21  school year online, this year our staff has been servicing our students in person. We have continued to provide homework help, physical activity, and different enrichments. This year we continued our annual tradition of our Book giveaway during literacy week in September, where every student chose a new book to keep. Our Pie Social provided a cupcake to each student and each site created a thankful tree to help us remember all the great things we are thankful for. Our middle schools have started a new DJ club where students are able to learn the fundamentals of DJ’ing during program and we ended the 2021 year with our Annual Winter Literacy Fest, where students were given 5 free books to enjoy over the winter break. We have so many more events this second semester that students are already participating in such as our Read across America activities, Walk-a-thon, District Talent Show, Spring Literacy Fest, and so much more.

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Distance Learning and Alternative Programming

HLPUSD Delhaven ASES Programs
Distance Learning and Alternative Programming

During these difficult and uncertain times, we at Delhaven understand that a lot of parents and students are looking for free educational resources for distance learning. Delhaven Community Center and our HLPUSD ASES staff are excited to add to the resources already available with our own selection of worksheets and videos.

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SGPRC | Alternative Ways to Provide Services

April 1, 2020

Delhaven Community Center will be offering the following continued services and offering the following alternative ways of providing services.  In doing so, we will continue to follow all current applicable HIPAA guidelines, CDC Guidelines, Regional Center Guidelines, and Health and Safety Guidelines that are pertinent to the current CoronaVirus crisis.

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ETIN-Bulletin [2022-January]

ETIN | Delhaven Community Center’s Bulletin without all the “Bull”

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Welcome to 2020….
This year is looking already to be huge for Delhaven!  We have already begun a new working partnership with the City of La Puente which has enabled our Day Care participants to expand their Car Detailing business to include the City vehicles and expand their Yard Crew service to now include the La Puente, Nature Park.  Our Regional Center grant that we received is only about a month away from now from officially starting which is a new program designed to have our day cay care participants in a new community-based program. 

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Delhaven Community Center

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