April 1, 2020
Delhaven Community Center will be offering the following continued services and offering the following alternative ways of providing services. In doing so, we will continue to follow all current applicable HIPAA guidelines, CDC Guidelines, Regional Center Guidelines, and Health and Safety Guidelines that are pertinent to the current CoronaVirus crisis.
Day Care Facilities currently remain open
Our Day Care Facilities are still operable and running and have been. We continue to provide programming within our facilities and continue with a selected few community partnerships as described next. In doing so we are following all safety and health requirements including but not limited to: gloves and mask to all employees to be worn at all times, tables and chairs arranged so that no more than 4 clients are in a group- of 10 in one building- and they are kept 6 foot apart, special coronavirus safety/cleaning boxes are kept in all facilities that include extra mask- gloves-antibiotic hand soap- Lysol disinfectant spray- Lysol cleaner- and Clorox wipes for staff to use to regularly clean and disinfect throughout the day. We have also hired an outside cleaning service that disinfects the facilities at the end of each day. Also, no clients or staff over the age of 65, with underlying major health issues, or have been sick or have someone in their home that is sick in attendance.
Community Partnerships
We continue specifically with two of our community partnerships with the City of La Puente. This includes a small limited number of no more than 3 of our clients and 1 staff who maintain the yard service at the La Puente Nature Education Park (it is closed to the public) three times a week, and continue to clean and detail the City of La Puente Vehicles twice a week (vehicles are currently not in service but the city continues to allow our clients this opportunity)
Bi-Monthly Newsletters
As part of the Alternative Ways to Provide Services, Delhaven Community Center is creating a bi-monthly newsletter that will be sent home to all participants and is specifically geared for our participants. It will include but is not limited to pictures of staff saying hi, puzzles, stories, and more.
Day Time Respite Care for a couple of hours
As part of the Alternative Ways to Provide Services, we are setting up a schedule for those clients and homes that approve of the service and are in compliance with the above-mentioned guidelines regarding health and age, will pick up between 1-3 clients at their home, and take them out for a couple of hours at a time. This allows the clients to get out of their house for a period of time and allows for some respite care for their families/homes. Again, all safety and health guidelines will be followed. Places and activities they will do during this time include:
- Industry Hills Expo Center: In partnership with the City of Industry, they have partnered with us to allow small groups of our clients to utilize their Expo Center Outdoor Nature Facility. Due to the current crisis, the facility is currently closed. It is here that our clients can enjoy a picnic lunch, enjoy nature studies, scavenger hunts, hikes, exercise, and more. All of this will be enjoyed in safe solitude
- Delhaven Community Center Public Gymnasium: One of our public facilities which is currently not in use due to the crisis, is our Gymnasium. Clients in limited groups will be brought here where they can enjoy recreational activities again in safe solitude
YouTube Channel
As part of the Alternative Ways to Provide Services, Delhaven Community Center has developed a YouTube Chanel. Two to three times a week we will be posting videos for our clients to enjoy that will include but is not limited to: Zumba classes, exercise classes, craft projects, storytime, healthy habits/self -help habits and lessons/staff saying hi and talking / more. This again will follow all HIPAA and Regional Center safety/privacy/permission policies
- To see the Delhaven Videos follow these instructions
- Log onto YouTube. If you have an account then log in
- Search welcome to Delhaven Community Center
- Scroll down until you find Delhaven Community Center’s video
- If you have an account then once you have clicked our video there is a button that says “subscribe”. Push that button and from there forward every time you log on a search Delhaven we will pop up first
Twice a Week Phone Calls / Facetime / Communication with Clients
As part of the Alternative Ways to Provide Services, Delhaven Community Center will be setting up a designated schedule with those homes and families that are interested and give us permission, to call clients and reach out to them a couple of times a week to say hi, see how they are doing, and to chat. Designated and appropriate staff will complete this while at Delhaven only. Again, this will follow all HIPAA, CDC, and Regional Center safety/privacy/permission policies
Care Packages
As part of the Alternative Ways to Provide Services, Delhaven Community Center will be providing Care Packages to those in need during this time of crisis. This may include food packages, personal items such as toilet paper, soaps, gloves, adult diapers, etc..
Other forms of Communication
Email: tim.seal@delhavencc.org (Executive Director)
Business Phone: (626)917-9789
After Hour Emergency Number: (626)324-9832 (emergency’s only please)
Facebook- Search friends of Delhaven Community Center
Instagram: Delhaven Community Center