Delhaven Community Center has been operating successful after school programming for TK-8th grade throughout our history and more recently partnered with HLPUSD for a successful launch of the first summer of ESP programming in 2021. Delhaven currently services students in the HLPUSD through the ASES grant program at 13 different sites.  Our ASES director has over 20 years of experience in after school, while each of our site coordinators have over 8 years of experience in afterschool and summer programs.

All staff from the Director to Site Coordinators to Program Coaches are in compliance with: (1) Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting act guidelines as mandated by California Penal Code 11164-11174. (2) Fingerprinting and Background Checks to include its contactors, agents and volunteers, pursuant to Education Code, Section 45125.1 (e). (3) have on file current documentation of Tuberculosis Screening and negative TB Test results to include contractors, sub-contractors, agents, and volunteers.

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