Delhaven Community Center offers people of all ages, and families, positive experiences that will help them in fulfilling their goals and meeting life’s challenges.
Children And Young Adults
- Offsite recreation program at Baldwin Academy, California Elementary,, Del Valle Elementary, Fairgrove Academy, Grandview Preparatory, Kwis Elementary, Newton Middle, Orange Grove Middle, Palm Elementary, Sierra Vista Middle School, Valinda School of Academics, Winglane Elementary, Workman Elementary
- Summer Day Camps
- Holiday Vacation Camps
- Voyagers Club (for children who are experiencing emotional and/or behavioral issues)
- Special event: Annual Halloween Party for over 1,000 children
For Individuals with Intellectually/Developmental Disabilities
- Two (2) State Licensed Adult Day Programs
- Funseekers Travel Club
- Summer Mountain Camp
- Happy Timers Saturday Program
- Lake Tahoe Caravan
- Special event: Annual Halloween Party
- Weekend Round Up Overnighter’s (Respit Care)
Other services
- Family emergency welfare services
- Christmas food/ toy distribution
- Court hour referral’s
- Pay it Forward program
- Alberto Castillo Scholarship Car Wash
- Volunteer Recognition Dinner
- Community Yard Sale’s
- First Aid/CPR Training
2019 Non Profit of the Year
Alberto Castillo
Alberto Castillo Car Wash
Food Distribution
Christmas Basket Give Away
La Puente Christmas Parade
Park Enclave
Lake Tahoe Caravan
Mtn Camp
Mtn Camp